To consider the following appointments:-
(A) Two Members on the Planning and Transportation Committee, for the balance of terms expiring in April 2021.
Nominations received:-
Helen Lesley Fentimen, O.B.E.
Michael Hudson
William Pimlott
(B) One Member on the City Bridge Trust Committee, for the balance of a term expiring in April 2024.
Nominations received:-
Judith Lindsay Pleasance
Deputy James Henry George Pollard
Jeremy Lewis Simons
(C) Eight Members on the Community and Children’s Services Committee, for the balance of terms expiring in April 2021.
Nominations received:-
Mark Bostock
The Court proceeded to consider appointments to the following Committees and
Outside Bodies:-
(A) Two Members on the Planning and Transportation Committee, for the
balance of terms expiring in April 2021.
Nominations received:-
Helen Lesley Fentimen, O.B.E.
Michael Hudson
William Pimlott
(B) One Member on the City Bridge Trust Committee, for the balance of a term
expiring in April 2023.
Nominations received:-
Judith Lindsay Pleasance
Deputy James Henry George Pollard
Jeremy Lewis Simons
(C) Eight Members on the Community and Children’s Services Committee, for
the balance of terms expiring in April 2021.
Nominations received:-
Mark Bostock