Agenda item

(B) Bridge House Estates Strategy: Bridging London 2020-2045

(B) Bridge House Estates Strategy – to consider the adoption of a new strategy for Bridge House Estates, Bridging London 2020-45.

For Decision


24 September 2020

(B)          (B) Bridge House Estates Strategy: Bridging London 2020-2045

The Court considered the adoption of a new Bridge House Estates (BHE) Strategy: Bridging London, 2020 – 2045. The proposed strategy represented an exciting moment in BHE’s long history, providing a framework for all of the charity’s activities and outlining the collective impact it wished to have through its primary and ancillary objects. It also set out a new vision for the charity where ‘every person in London becomes truly connected’, and outlined three new aims to be: catalytic, sustainable and impact driven. A high-level implementation plan for the strategy was also presented.


Resolved – That the Court of Common Council, acting collectively in BHE’s (charity no. 1035628) best interests:-

1.         Approves the proposed final version of the charity’s overarching Strategy: Bridging London, 2020-2045, for the City of London Corporation as Trustee of the charity.

2.         Approves the high-level implementation plan for the Strategy: Bridging London, 2020-2045.


Motion – That, in accordance with Standing Order 2, Standing Order 16 be suspended to allow for the meeting to continue.


Upon the Motion being put, the Lord Mayor declared it to be carried.


Resolved – That, in accordance with Standing Order 2, Standing Order 16 be suspended to allow for the meeting to continue.

Supporting documents: