Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

To note the Sub-Committee’s list of outstanding actions.


Members received the list of outstanding actions and the following points were noted:

·         Action 1 – domestic violence: this item was addressed in the agenda in the Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy at item 9 and could be stricken from the list;

·         Action 2 – licensing review update: briefing provided to Members and the action could be stricken from the list. For public awareness, the following points were noted:

o   The Safeguarding Quality Assurance Manager receives licencing review emails directly from the licensing team. Last year, 75 licence requests were received (40 new applications for a license and 35 related to a variation to an existing license).

·         Action 4 – City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board: this issue was addressed in the report at item 10 and the action could be stricken from the list; and,

·         Action 6 – Children in Care Council holidays: this issue was addressed in the report at item 12 and could be stricken from the list.

·         Action 8 – Forced child marriages: briefing provided to Members and the action could be stricken from the list.


RESOLVED, that – the list of outstanding actions be received and its contents noted.

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