Agenda item

Heath & Hampstead Society Proposal regarding the 150th Anniversary of the Hampstead Heath Act

The Heath & Hampstead Society to be heard.


The Committee noted the proposal submitted by the Heath & Hampstead Society for Nature Appreciation Display Boards on Hampstead Heath to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the 1871 Act. The following comments were made:


·         The Chair encouraged a broader discussion on how the 150th anniversary of the 1871 Act could be celebrated noting that only smaller events were likely to be possible during Covid. The Chair felt this was an opportunity for the broader story of the 1871 City Corporation movement for the Heath’s protection to be told.


·         The Heath & Hampstead Society were pleased by the positive response to its proposals for special display boards providing information about the Heath’s natural history and protection and welcomed further ideas. It was noted that English Heritage also supported the idea and were in discussion with the society.


·         A Member (South End Green Association) suggested including quality bird sounds via QR codes to an app next to pictures on the display boards. Members agreed an interactive board would make it more special.


·         A Member (London Council for Recreation and Sport) highlighted the already strained budgets at the Heath and voiced caution against expensive celebrations. It was suggested that fundraising opportunities be explored to celebrate the anniversary.


RESOLVED - With two hours having elapsed since the start of the meeting, in accordance with Standing Order No. 40 the Committee agreed at this point to extend the meeting by up to thirty minutes.


·         A Member (Marylebone Birdwatching Society) supported the proposal and suggested including information about flowers and butterflies.


·         A Member (Highgate Society) remarked that only a limited amount of information could be presented on a board and considered a larger permanent display shown in an information centre plus a booklet/leaflet to be more informative. The Deputy Chairman added that this highlighted the need for a visitor reception and learning centre at the Heath.


·         The Superintendent noted that there were good venues, e.g. the cafés and heath extension, to share this information and materials plus the public website.   





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