Agenda item

Deep Dive: CR09 Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Report of the Director of Human Resources.


Members received a report of the Director of Human Resources relative to a Deep Dive of CR09 Heath, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW). HSW had been reviewed to incorporate remote working environments, as many employees had been working from home throughout the pandemic. The individual risk assessment process allowed officers to consider their individual circumstances with respect to returning to the workplace and for those officers who continued to work at their usual place of work throughout the pandemic.


Members queried the risk score. The Director noted that the aim was to reduce likelihood, however the impact would remain the same. The Chairman queried this and noted that in general target impact scores should aspire to being less, due to the ameliorating effect of mitigation measures. The target risk scorewould be amended (and it was confirmed subsequent to the meeting that this had been completed).

Members expressed concern that resources had been diverted from other areas to modify work environments to ensure they are COVID secure, which could potentially create risks elsewhere. The Director advised that resources were reallocated on a priority basis as staff safety is HR’s the City Corporations top priority.


Members questioned why the HSW risk was owned by the Director of HR.  The Director noted that the risk related to the Health Safety and Wellbeing Management System and that there were corporate mechanisms in place to escalate risks where necessary.


Members asked what was in place to support staff mental health and wellbeing.

The Director advised that a number of mechanisms were in place to ensure officers could express concerns, including occupational health, mental health first aiders network and the employee assistance programme. The Director reported that a series of mental health and wellbeing campaigns were being run to engage officers and remind them of support networks.


RESOLVED, that – the report be received and its contents noted.

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