Agenda item

Gateway 4C - Tower Bridge HV System Replacement and Increasing Resilience

Report of the City Surveyor.


N.B: - To be considered alongside a Non-Public Appendix at Agenda Item 19.



The Committee considered a Gateway 4C Detailed Design (Complex) report of the City Surveyor relative to Tower Bridge HV System Replacement and Increasing Resilience.


RESOLVED – That Members:


1.    Approve additional budget of £128,115 for professional fees to progress from Gateway 4C to Gateway 5;

2.    Approve a Costed Risk Provision of £335,000 to progress from Gateway 4C to Gateway 5 (to be drawn down via deletion to Chief Officer0;

3.    Note the revised project budget of £888,270 (excluding risk);

4.    Note the total estimated cost of the project of £5,687,003 (excluding costed risk); this is a decrease of £112,997 since the previous report;

5.    Note the total estimated cost of the project at £7,872,003 (including £2,185,000 costed risk); this is a decrease of £527,997 since the previous report.

Supporting documents: