Report of the Director of Innovation and Growth.
The Committee considered a report of the Director of Innovation and Growth providing Members with an overview of the proposed Recovery Task Force.
The Director of Innovation and Growth explained that the ongoing pandemic had introduced new challenges and accelerated local trends and it was clear that the cities who could adapt to and help shape this would thrive in the future. Member were informed that the City Corporation had a vital role to play in terms of speeding up the City’s evolution towards being the most innovative, inclusive, sustainable, global financial centre. This report represented a first step in the aim to produce an actionable five year blueprint, it built on the London Recharged Report which had had huge input from across the City and beyond and had also received very good coverage.
In terms of governance, the Director explained that primacy on this work would sit with both the Policy and Resources Committee and this Committee but that Officers would also seek to adopt the same approach as had been taken with the Climate Action Strategy in terms of input from relevant Chairs and broader discussions with all Members. A draft interim report would be presented to this Committee in January 2021 and a draft final report a few months later.
The Director concluded by stating that he would welcome any steer that Members may have on this work at this stage.
RESOLVED – That Planning and Transportation Committee Members agree to the project start up and next steps.
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