Agenda item

Epping Forest Consultation Policy SEF 24/20b

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces on the Epping Forest Consultation Policy. The Director of Open Spaces introduced the report and explained that there were no changes requested by the Epping Forest Consultative Committee.


A member of the Committee suggested that, as a consequence of the City of London Corporation’s Governance Review, it might be sensible to delay the review of the Epping Forest Consultation Policy. The Director of Open Spaces explained that the Policy needed to be updated in the short term, in part, to comply with GDPR regulations and therefore could not wait till after the Governance Review. In addition, it was agreed that a more regular review of this policy by the Committee would be arranged.


The Committee discussed appropriate methods for receiving comments from various sources noting that unstructured comments could be counter effective.



  1. The report be noted;
  2. The adoption of the Epping Forest Consultation Policy as a replacement to the Epping Forest Statement of Community Involvement 2011 be approved.


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