Agenda item

Land Exchange in relation to closure of part of Highway at Bell Common, Epping by Essex Highways (SEF 30/20)

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces regarding a Land Exchange in relation to closure of part of Highway at Bell Common, Epping by Essex Highways.


In response to a query from the Deputy Chairman the Director of Open Spaces explained that opining on the issues discussed would be for the Highways Panel.



     I.        The Committee accepted the return and restoration of 197m² of highway land at Bell Common, effectively re-uniting two parcels of Forest Land; and

    II.        That the dedication of the returned Land as Epping Forest Land be approved; and

  III.        That the entry into a Section 72 agreement with Essex Highways for the use of 14m² of Forest land, for the purpose of allowing themanoeuvring of refuse vehicles subject to the return of 197m² highway land be approved; and

  IV.        It was approved to use the ‘surplus’ to the exchange of 183m² as the basis to reopen negotiations with the Highway Authority to enable the closure of the Lindsey Street annexe at Epping (North) Green; and

   V.        It was approved to remind Essex County Council that these transactions are consequent upon the completion of the previously agreed land exchange, outstanding since September 2011, for the traffic safety scheme at Manor Road, High Beach.


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