Agenda item

Markets Committee Risk Update - November 2020

Report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection outlining management procedures in place to meet the requirements of the Corporate Risk Management Framework.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection outlining measures in place to meet the requirements of the Corporate Risk Management Framework.


Officers highlighted a typographical error on page 24 of the agenda pack MCP-SM012 and advised that surveys outcomes were expected in Spring 2021.  It was also clarified that funding would not come from the Markets Co-location Programme budget. This was drawn to the Committee’s attention as that had been the original proposal and to make it clear than an alternative source of funding would need to be identified.


Members debated whether any aspects of MCP risk should lie with Markets Committee or Capital Buildings Committee and in response Officers stated that in the event the MCP did not proceed, the Markets Committee would bear any associated risks.


Members also questioned the rating of some risks such as building maintenance which Members felt was too low.  Officers stated that this risk had been rated as green in light of mitigation measure put in place.  Members were concerned that even with mitigation measures, this was high risk pending survey findings and Officers undertook to review the rankings.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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