Report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection
The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection regarding a request from Smithfield Market Tenants Association for a temporary reduction in the car park tariffs throughout December 2020.
The Deputy Chairman acknowledged that although 2020 had been a challenging year for market traders, there was no data to support concessions in either option A or B as set out in para 7 of the report (page 35 of the agenda pack). It was suggested that a clearer rationale for concessions on the basis of car park usage data should be provided, given that 9 days of concessions was granted in the days leading up to Christmas 2019.
Members had mixed views on the length of the concessionary period with some members supporting concessions from 1st - 31st December as requested by SMTA. There were also concerns that a shorter concessionary period would cause confusion and increase congestion.
In response to observations from Members, Officers advised that the concessions would mainly benefit customers whilst keeping roads clear for deliveries and servicing.
The Deputy Chairman MOVED and Michael Hudson SECONDED “That a concessionary period of 9 days be agreed (16th - 24th December)” and nine Members were in favour.
John Scott MOVED and Philip Woodhouse SECONDED “That a concessionary period of 31 days be agreed (1st – 31st December)” and four Members were in favour.
The Chairman then MOVED, it was SECONDED and
1. That an increased concessionary period of 14 days, (compared to 9 days in 2019) be granted from 9pm on Thursday 10th December - 10am on Thursday 24th December 2020.
2. That the current tariff be reduced to free for all visitors to the Rotunda car park from 9pm on Thursday 10th December - 10am on Thursday 24th December 2020. (14 days)
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