Agenda item

Car Park & On-Street Parking Bay Tariffs

Report of the Director of the Built Environment


The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment reviewing both on-street and off-street parking tariffs.


Members has mixed views on increased tariffs. A Member suggested that any increase be delayed for 12 months whilst another Member suggested that tariffs for Smithfield Car Park should be aligned with charges for other CoL parking charges as had already been agreed by the Planning & Transportation Committee


In response, Officers stated that now was the right time to review tariffs and agree standard charges across CoL car parks and parking bays.  Even with the challenges of COVID-19, some car parks such as London Wall had been occupied to full capacity and tariffs had not been reviewed for more than 3 years.




That in respect of Smithfield car park, the three-year pricing strategy for parking charges in this public car park as set out in paragraph 19 of the report be approved, with effect from January/February 2021.

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