Agenda item

Bridge House Estates, Colechurch House, SE1 - Proposed Removal of the Elevated Footway

Report of the City Surveyor.


The Committee considered a report of the City Surveyor regarding the proposed removal of the elevated footway at Colechurch House, SE1.


RESOLVED – That, acting collectively for the City as trustee of Bridge House Estates, and considering it to be in the best interests of the charity, the Committee:


i)              Delegate authority to the City Surveyor to carry out the statutory consultation in accordance with section 32(3) of the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1963 (as amended) with Network Rail, Transport for London and the London Borough of Southwark with regards to the proposed demolition of the elevated footway at Colechurch House;

ii)             Delegate authority to the City Surveyor in consultation with the Chairs of the Planning and Transportation Committee and Property Investment Board to review the responses to the consultation subject to reporting back to Committee in the event of any unresolved objections or issues; and

iii)           Subject to there being (i) no unresolved objections or issues in response to the statutory consultation (ii)planning permission being granted for the redevelopment of Colechurch House and removal of the elevated footway and (iii) the developer obtaining all consents necessary for the demolition of the elevated footway, to delegate authority to the City Surveyor to take all necessary steps (including the entering into of any necessary agreements) to enable the stopping up and demolition of the elevated footway to be carried out.


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