Report of the City Surveyor.
The Committee received a public lift report of the City Surveyor for the period 29/10/2020 – 25/11/2020.
Officers reported that Blackfriars lift was nearing repair after having overcome some issues with the doors. However, there were now issues with the lift controller with Officers waiting on lead times now for its replacement. A Member expressed concern at the fact that this was a relatively new lift yet seemed to be particularly problematic and questioned the reasons behind this. Officers reported that a previous lift failure had resulted in the fire service attending and forcing the doors to free someone trapped inside and further safety measures to prevent the need to force the doors open in the event of future entrapments were now being looked at with new doors to be fitted in due course.
Members were informed that there were some issues with vandalism to the Inclinator with the doors being forced. Officers had discussed the matter with the lift contractor who would now be attending every morning and evening to ensure that the Inclinator was back in service. Further measures such as the installation of CCTV were also now under consideration.
A Member commented that a new lift had been installed in London Street as part of the 17 Mount Lane planning application. She questioned whether this was anything to do with the City Corporation and reported that she had recently had to help free someone trapped inside. She reported that there had been issues with the door mechanism and asked that this be fed back to the building owner. Officers undertook to make further enquiries on this.
RESOLVED – That Members note the report.
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