Agenda item



The Town Clerk explained that this was an informal meeting. Any views reached by the Committee today would have to be considered by the Town Clerk after the meeting in accordance with the Court of Common Council’s Covid Approval Procedure who will make a formal decision having considered all relevant matters. This process reflected the current position in respect of the holding of formal Local and Police Authority meetings and the Court of Common Council’s decision of 15th April 2021 to continue with virtual meetings and take formal decisions through a delegation to the Town Clerk and other officers nominated by him after the informal meeting has taken place and the will of the Committee is known in open session. Details of all decisions taken under the Covid Approval Procedure will be available online via the City Corporation’s webpages.


Apologies were given by Munsur Ali, Sir Craig Mackey and it was noted that the Commissioner would be joining the meeting late due to a prior engagement.