Agenda item


To receive the draft public minutes and summary of the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee held virtually on 1 December 2020.



The Committee received the draft public minutes of the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee held virtually on 1 December 2020.


A Member commented that the City signage on the highwalk was not in fact two-level as the highwalk map was overlaid onto the street map. He added that the issue was not the street level signage or the signage on the podium itself but the fact that there was a lack of signage at the foot of the stairs joining the two together.


Another Member commented on West Smithfield public realm and stated that he was surprised to see this progressing in this way, without a clear indication of what the real uses were going to be for East and West Smithfield. He added that he was very much of the view that a holistic approach needed to be taken to this and that this sight would play a prominent role. Another Member questioned why this public realm presentation had not also come to the grand Committee and asked that all Members be given sight of this. The Chair suggested that those Members who were interested in seeing further details on this should request a copy of the slides and, if necessary, seek to discuss any points they may have with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Sub-Committee. The Chair also assured the Committee that all eventualities were being planned for on this site and that there was no lack of vision on this.




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