Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s
Services on the Pets Policy Review.
A Member noted that the result of the consultation was very diverse with varied opinions. The Member asked if the policy will be applied across all the Estates or if this will be driven by the demands of each Estates. The Head of Housing Management responded that the policy will be applied across the board, the policy has expanded from the terms of reference from the Housing Tenancy Agreement. It was noted that for the future consultations, different viewpoints will be taken from Estates within the frameworks of the consultations.
Another Member asked that the policy refers to housing applicants having to seek permission, where can the applicants obtain the forms from. The Head of Housing Management responded that the small pets such as cats do not require an approval, but the policies refer to dogs only. The information on this is provided on the City of London’s website and is advertised on the resident’s magazine too, which is published twice a year. The Committee was also informed that Members are still welcome to send in their views on the policy, as this remains a draft document.
Another Member asked if the policy would have room for exemptions such as the use of therapy dogs, which some people may us in a therapeutic way, such as assisting with mental health. The Members were assured by the Head of Housing Management that there is provision in place for therapy dogs whereby exemptions can be made on the condition that the resident can provide supporting documents from their Doctors or a specialist in the medical field. The approval for such exemptions can be granted by an Estate Manager and is not a lengthy process.
Members agreed that the future consultations should be carried out as the turnover on the current consultation was low. It was suggested that for future consultations the Committee should look at consequences for unruly dogs and dog mess which are left uncleared by its owner.
RESOLVED – That the Committee;
· Approved the reviewed Pets Policy for use by the Housing Division; and
· Members indicated that further consultation is considered necessary on any aspect of the Policy.
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