Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s
Services on the Housing Estate Parking Management Review - Progress Update.
The Committee was informed that the review of this policy came from the need to review the City of London’s Parking charges and as part of the decision made by Members to increase concession for disabled drivers by 100%. A consultant was commission to explore this further and the report layouts the findings.
A Member asked if the report could have provided a variation of the charges rather than just a summary. The Member further commented that on the Golden Lane Estate there is an ongoing piece of work with grants from CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) to invest in bike storages and as such if Officers can ensure that this policy does not hinder the ongoing application, which is being sponsored by the Member.
This was followed by another Member who agreed that the report did not consider all options and as such other alternatives’ avenues are explored beyond its current remit. Another Member Commented that if parking spaces can be rearranged in such ways which allows room for open spaces for residents, with consultation with the residents.
The Head of Housing Management commented that Members will have access to the full report once the final version is ready. In terms of alternative use of space, this was beyond the scope of this report. The Department may consider this option for the future and look at recreational spaces for the residents.
The Chair asked if the full report can be circulated with the Committee.
RESOLVED – That the Committee noted the report.
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