Report of the Head of Audit & Risk Management.
The Committee considered a report of the Head of Audit & Risk Management providing Members with an update in respect of Internal Audit activity related to the Barbican Centre since the November meeting of this Committee.
Members were informed that the review of the Centre’s Bars had been completed; however, the recommendations from that review would be delayed in the absence of trading as a result of the current national lockdown.
The security audit was signed off and due to be implemented imminently. It was highlighted that this was given an amber assurance rating purely in light of the seriousness of the risks being addressed.
A summary of the 2021 Audit Plan for the year was presented to Members and it was noted that the planned Health and Safety Review would now likely be delayed until next year. The Head of Audit & Risk Management confirmed that other assurance sources could be used to measure health and safety concerns in the meantime.
A typo was noted in paragraph 12 of the report whereby the wrong year was listed and should say 2021/22.
With regards to audit recommendations, Members were advised that recommendation 3 concerning corporate sponsorship had been implemented and two follow-ups were undertaken.
In response to a query concerning Barbican retail systems, Members were informed that all recommendations were audited and approved prior to the last meeting and the systems were now completely compliant.
A Member felt it was important that the Committee gave Management a clear steer that dealing with Covid related risks were the priority and closing minor risks was not urgent and could be delayed until 2022. Members supported this sentiment.
RESOLVED - That Members:-
· Note the report;
· Consider the appropriateness of the delays in high priority recommendations implementation;
· Provide input to high level audit planning proposals for 2021-22 by suggesting potential areas of coverage.
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