Agenda item

Markets Committee Risk Update

Report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection outlining management procedures in place to meet the requirements of the Corporate Risk Management Framework.


Members remained concerned about MCP-SM 001 and also questioned the rating for MCP-WM 001 (page 27 of agenda pack) given the building condition and discussions with SMTA.


In response to observations from Members, Officers advised that


·         In respect of MCP-BG 001 (page 20 of agenda pack), the inherent risk could not be reduced because of the physical layout for vehicle movements.


·         In respect of MCP-SM 012 (page 19 of agenda pack), this risk was largely historic but had been reduced by mitigation measures.


·         A Brexit risk would be added for Billingsgate Market; this risk related to EU suppliers and affected a small number of traders.


RESOLVED – That the report and actions taken by the Markets and Consumer Protection Department to monitor, and manage effectively, risks arising from its operations. be noted.


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