Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 19 October 2020.


The public minutes of the meeting held on 19 October 2020 were approved as a correct record subject to a typo.


Matters arising


150th Anniversary of the Hampstead Heath Act

Members received an update from Rob Shakespeare, Principal Curator, and the following comments were made:


·         The main community event is provisionally held for 29 June 2021 and will be an opportunity to explore important issues including impact, conservation, preservation and engagement with the Heath.

·         Two displays are being designed: one by the Heath & Hampstead Society and a Keats 200 outdoor display made up of 9 monoliths which is planned to be displayed in Aldgate Square in May and Hampstead Heath in June-July.

·         The community and stakeholders will be consulted regarding the plan and outline content in February.

·         A joint logo and communications plan are in development to ensure a community partnership.

·         It is hoped a national movement would emerge from the online programme and local media coverage.

·         The Chair highlighted that Hampstead Heath was a charity and hoped the anniversary would advertise the charity which was being relaunched.

·         It was noted that a special supplement was shared during the centenary celebrations of the Heath & Hampstead Society and something similar was suggest for this celebration – I have no idea what MH meant here as the single went funny, I’ve checked the recording and it’s still unclear.


Victorian gate and display board

It was noted that these were in storage and Officers agreed to follow up with the interested member offline.



Supporting documents: