Agenda item

Chief Grants Officer's (CGO) report

Report of the Chief Grants Officer and Director of City Bridge Trust (CGO)


The Committee received the regular progress report of the Chief Grants Officer and Director of City Bridge Trust (CGO) and discussed the updates provided.


The Prince’s Trust

The Committee welcomed Venla Freeman and Rozzy Amos to speak to Members regarding the Prince’s Trust (PT), on the work that the PT has undertaken in London since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as providing a brief outline of future plans, with CBT’s 10-year strategic partnership with the PT approaching the end of its sixth year. The Committee was thanked for their invitation and advised that organisations were reassured and grateful to have supportive funders such as CBT, particularly during such difficult times.


The Prince’s Trust reported that 8278 Young Londoners had been supported through their partnership with CBT, and this number was set to increase. The partnership had enabled PT to plan longer-term and pilot new innovative approaches, focus on early prevention and intervention, grow PT’s network of partners to extend its reach, and expand courses to meet the diverse interests and needs of young Londoners, developing skills and confidence to thrive.


PT had responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with offers like Online Crisis Mentoring to young people struggling with isolation, lost opportunity, and poor mental health. Employment workshops and industry webinars also provided ongoing skills development, with a Virtual Jobs Board, advertising live job vacancies. Personal and Social Development group sessions brought young people together to improve confidence, reduce anxiety, build connections and set goals. Development Awards were pivoted to support digital poverty and an Enterprise Relief Fund was launched to support those new to self-employment, and who would not otherwise qualify for Government support.


Whilst the pandemic had presented PT with financial challenges, it also made the Trust’s work more important than ever, and in the last 10 months PT had rapidly developed digital content and improved access for young people, and would focus resources where they could make the most difference for the next 3-5 years, to maximise societal impact. There would also be a stronger focus on employment, more asked of employers in key London industries, close working with London Councils, conscious collaboration and more focused work on key community groups, and improved support for PT’s education network.


In response to questions from Members, the Committee was advised that education would be a key issue going forward, and that PT would focus on access, and across organisations, to mitigate against the impact of COVID-19. PT would also focus on mental health, both inside and outside of education. PT also advised that they were unlikely to return to a fully in-person offer, but aimed to retain all support by developing their understanding of where impact was being made and evaluating their blended offer. PT had also had conversations about extending the reach of their programmes, with more partnership opportunities and an expanded entrepreneurial skills offer.


The Chair then thanked Rozzy Amos and Venla Freeman for their excellent presentation and Members for their questions and discussion.


Interim Review of Bridging Divides

A Member noted that CBT was currently working with multiple partner organisations and sought assurances that they were co-ordinated. The CGO responded that it was important learning was not in silo, but partner organisations were recruited for distinct areas of activity, such as the Cornerstone Fund or Bridge to Work programme, and each was appointed following a procurement process. The CGO advised that there would be direct engagement with Members on the Bridging Divides review and framing additional spend later in the agenda and to come.


In response to a question from a Member regarding discussion on the additional allocation to Bridging Divides from Bridge House Estates at the Resource Allocation Sub Committee, the Chamberlain advised that Charity Commission guidance set out the expectation that Trustees recognise at an early stage where a charity may be facing financial difficulties, and robust forecasting was required as part of that. The amount allocated may be reconsidered in this context, however this was still to be decided. The Chamberlain advised that the matter would be considered by the February meeting of the Finance Committee, with the recommendation of annual budgets to the March Court of Common Council meeting expected.


The CGO advised that alongside the review, CBT was still undertaking grant-making activity, particularly working with other funders and with existing grantees.


Planned Retirement of CBT Deputy Director

The CGO advised the Committee of the planned retirement of the Deputy Director of CBT Jenny Field later that year. The CGO added that there would be further opportunity to thank and celebrate Jenny, and her departure would be a massive loss to CBT. CBT were working towards a handover, and the CGO further advised of a successful recruitment to an additional Funding Director post. A revised organogram would be circulated in due course. The Chair then paid tribute to Jenny Field and expressed his hope that there would be further opportunity to recognise her enormous contributions to CBT


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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