Agenda item

The Bridge Programme Funder Plus Offer

Report of the CGO


The Committee considered a report of the CGO concerning proposals for the continuation of CBT’s Funder Plus programme. The CGO introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the key points, also outlining the work undertaken as part of the programme so far, and the impact of COVID-19 on the programme.


RESOLVED – That the City Bridge Trust Committee:


a)    Approve a grant of £150,000 to the Cranfield Trust towards continuing the Triage and Connect programme to support the delivery of the next phase of the programme, subject to the satisfactory review of their financial assessment by the Charities Finance Team (representing the Chamberlain);


b)    Approve a grant of £150,000 to Locality towards continuing the Triage and Connect programme to support the delivery of the next phase of the programme, also subject to the satisfactory review of their financial assessment by the Charities Finance Team (representing the Chamberlain); and


c)    Commit up to £60,000 non-grants expenditure in order to procure, through the City of London’s procurement process, a Managing and Learning Partner to provide capacity to continue the next phase of the programme.

Supporting documents: