Agenda item

Delegated Authority Threshold Review

Report of the CGO


The Committee considered a report of the CGO summarising grant making made under temporary arrangements in respect of the corporate scheme of delegations and CBT delegated authority policy, which had been in place since April 2020, and seeking approval to implement the existing arrangements on a permanent basis, due to imminent changes in staff structure and volume grants to be approved.


In response to questions from Members, the CGO confirmed that delegations were for the overall grant rather than annual instalments of multi-year grants, and clarified that there were three Funding Director posts within the CBT senior leadership team. The CGO proposed an amendment to the wording to make explicit that the figures referred to in the delegations were the total amount.


RESOLVED – That the City Bridge Trust Committee:


a)    Note the current City Bridge Trust thresholds for grant approvals under delegated powers, and the Scheme of Delegation to Officers in respect of the Chief Grants Officer and Director of City Bridge Trust (CGO);


b)    Recommend the proposed amendment to the Scheme of Delegation to Officers as set out, for the approval of the Policy and Resources Committee and the Court of Common Council;


c)    Agree that the existing CBT delegated authority thresholds, as set out with the above amendment, should be implemented on a permanent basis, subject to the approval of the Court of Common Council; and


d)    Agree that grant application rejections can be approved under the revised delegated authority proposals.

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