Agenda item

Annual Review of Terms of Reference

Report of the Town Clerk.


Members considered a report of the Town Clerk in respect of the Annual Review of the Committee’s Terms of Reference.


The Chair emphasised the importance of referencing fraud and cyber together in the Terms of Reference, and to emphasises the Committee’s role in oversight, rather than scrutiny.


RESOLVED, that – Members agree the following changes:


1.    the addition of ‘one external Member, to be appointed by the Police Authority Board’ in the Committee’s composition;

2.    the addition of the following responsibilities in the Committee’s Terms of Reference:

·         a. overseeing the force’s national responsibilities for economic crime, fraud and cyber, having regard to the strategic policing requirement in this area;

·         c. overseeing the delivery of the City of London National Lead Force Plan;

·         d. monitoring the implementation of any external review recommendations related to economic crime, fraud and cyber (including, but not restricted to, Mackey Review, HMICFRS Fraud related inspections, Tori Consultant Review);

·         e. overseeing of the City of London Police’s private sector partnerships with regard to the tracking of fraud, cyber-crime & economic crime as well as the joint Cyber Griffin project;

·         f. overseeing the business strategy, service and financial performance of the Economic Crime Academy;

·         g. overseeing the Force’s national responsibilities of the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) lead for the Cyber Portfolio;

·         h. overseeing the work of Cyber Griffin initiative; and,

·         i. making recommendations to the Police Authority Board in other matters relating to economic crime.

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