Agenda item

Virtual School for looked after children: Annual Report for Academic Year 2019-2020

Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.


Members received a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services relative to the Virtual School for Looked After Children Annual Report for the Academic Year 2019-20.


In response to Members’ concerns about the implications of lockdown for Looked After Children (LAC) to fall behind in schooling compared to their non-LAC peers, and mitigate efforts in place to support LACs, it was reported that there had been challenges in the transition to digital schooling, as many of the young people and/or their carers had limited English language abilities and computer skills. All of the students were now fully equipped with laptops and work was underway for tech training and support. There was ongoing anxiety amongst the students regarding the wellbeing of family members abroad which impacted schoolwork and sleep. Nationally there had been an increase in exclusions from virtual schools, however this was not the case for the City school.


The Deputy Chairman noted that the libraries had been doing considerable work supporting those who could use assistance, and suggested the virtual school connect with the libraries to take advantage of these offerings.


In response to Members’ concerns about the increased risk for children in care and care leavers to become NEET (not in education, employment or training), Members were informed that monthly monitoring meetings were held with relevant officers and interventions were held when necessary. Good work was taking place with the Information and Advisory Service Prospects to implement plans for CiC who were vulnerable to NEET.


RESOLVED, that – the report be received and its contents noted.

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