Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman considers Urgent


There were three items of other business.


The Chairman notified the Board that, following a rigorous assurance process, the City’s Better Care Fund bid had been approved and that funding would be formally released in accordance with the approved plan.


The Chairman further advised that a City and Hackney Women’s Reproductive Health Survey would be launched shortly.  This was a localised version of a national survey and was designed to better understand the needs of women aged 15-55 years resident in the City and Hackney area.  Those who qualified were encouraged to complete the survey and promotional information would be shared with Board Members when available.


The Chairman thanked Board Members, Officers and partners for their commitment and excellent work in supporting the Health and Wellbeing Board during the 2021/22 municipal year.  The Chairman particularly acknowledged the excellent contribution of Jeremy Simons over many years as he would shortly be stepping down as a Common Councillor.