Agenda item

City Procurement Quarterly Progress Report (February 2021)

Report of the Chamberlain


The Sub Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain updating Members on the work of the City Procurement team, key performance indicators and areas of progress.


Officers reported that despite the continuing challenges of COVID-19, a high level of output was being maintained with invoices being paid on time to support Small and Medium Enterprises during these unprecedented times.


In response to questions and comments from Members, Officers stated that additional staff had been recruited to assist with the processing Freedom of Information (FoI)requests and that all expenditure above £500 was published on the CoL website.  Officers undertook to revisit thresholds to see if more data could be made public to reduce the number of FoI requests.




1.         That the report be noted.

2.         That Officers revisit thresholds to see if there is scope for more data to be made public to reduce the number of FoI requests.

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