Report of the Director of Open Spaces.
The Committee received a report of the Director of Open Spaces on the management and operational activities at West Ham Park since December 2021.
The Chairman thanked Officers for their tireless work in supporting West Ham Park and keeping it open in an extremely difficult period effected by COVID with a huge increase in visitor numbers. The Committee agreed and extended their sympathies for staff members personally effected by COVID.
The Committee discussed opportunities for securing external funding sources for the West Ham Park Playground project. The Deputy Chairman commented that she would be reporting to the next committee meeting on these funding sources and invited Members to be in contact regarding any interested organisations.
Following a query from a committee member the Director of Open Spaces explained that an update on the involvement of Savills Ltd could not be provided in the public session and all required details be included in the detailed report to be considered by Members. In addition, it was added that, although it was possible to circulate this information to the Committee, it would not be helpful to involve Members with operational matters of this nature.
RESOLVED- That the report be noted.
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