Agenda item

Director of Public Health Report for 2019/20

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members considered a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services providing the annual report (DPHAR) for 2019/20 focussing on the health impacts of the economic recession and how these can be mitigated.


Members were informed that the report was slightly delayed due to the pandemic. The Deputy Director of Public Health drew Members attention to the six core principles prevent assess, dual diagnosis, inform, refer and excel and gave context for them. These principles have been committed to by all stakeholders and will underpin the joint response.


Members agreed this was very important work and the Chairman requested that an update come back this Board collating the responses after the report went to the other listed meetings plus the Safer City Partnership Group to ensure progress could be tracked.


A Member was concerned regarding the management of patients with dual diagnosis and worried that they received less good mental health service provision due to being diverted away.


A Member asked how Turning Point was working following teething issues with the service. Officers agreed to bring a report updating on the new service to a future Board meeting.


In response to a query concerning alcohol pricing, Members were informed that this could not be directly influenced but public health could contribute against any of the four existing licensing objectives and therefore objections could be made on the basis of potential health impacts to the local community. The Director of Public Health agreed to monitor applications for health risks.


It was noted that Scotland and Wales have introduced a minimum rate for alcohol pricing, but this had not happened in England and NICE were advocating for a change in legislation. Members were concerned about alcohol dependency and misuse, which has risen during the pandemic, and it was felt the City Corporation could do more. Whilst it was acknowledged that health was not a licensing objective, it was suggested that there was an opportunity for an education piece for premises before they reopened for trade setting a clear City Corporation message on responsible drinking and a reminder to premises of their responsibilities.


More control over some elements of alcohol pricing (e.g. no special drinks offers) and a commitment as a Licensing Authority to restrict premises licensing on the basis of the impact on health and wellbeing were also suggested by Members. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman agreed to raise these concerns at the next Licensing Committee meeting when they discussed this report.


RESOLVED – That the Health and Wellbeing Board note and comment on i) the recommendations within the DPHAR and ii) stakeholders to be involved in producing the response to the recommendations to be published as a follow up report.

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