Report of the Director of Open Spaces.
Members considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces setting out the draft Divisional Plan 2021-2024 and the Conservation and Ecology Annual Work Programme (AWP) 2021-2022 for Hampstead Heath.
Members were advised that Officers had prepared the AWP in November 2020; however, projects were being reprioritised to focus more on recovery and restoration following the announcement of the third National Lockdown. Similar plans for Queen’s Park and Highgate Wood were also being prepared and would come to the Committee in May.
With regards to the 150th anniversary celebrations, it was noted that a partnership programme and logo had been agreed to ensure a joined-up approach plus significant social media use. A Member felt that the monoliths that would be used should be used as an opportunity to promote the future and not just past.
The Director of Open Spaces confirmed that the anniversary was being linked with the Hampstead Heath Charity to emphasise the work of charity, better explain gifts/donations and hopefully promote and encourage donations opportunities. The Director noted that people could now donate to particular projects via the website it was hoped local community will get behind work.
The model boating pond environmental improvements to revert the island to keep separate and develop aquatic planting was highlighted as a key project to push for fundraising from the local community and Members were encouraged to help push this forward.
A Member enquired how the City Corporation was supporting SMEs during the café tendering project process to add value to the local community. Officers confirmed the process would start with local engagement looking at social, environmental and economic concerns. All bids would be made on the same process based on a 10-year lease and a number of local cafés would be prioritised.
A Member felt the AWP did not adequately tackle the human impact issue on ecology and species at green spaces and queried what species monitoring was being undertaken based on species decline. Officers confirmed an innovative volunteer led bird nesting survey was completed last year and data was being collated by the Ecologist, plus staff were identifying areas of high bird nesting activity. Other ecology input was being provided by volunteers who were operating species monitoring.
The Superintendent added that there were a number of measures to protect ecology and species (including species monitoring) set out in the Divisional Plan and monitored by the Ecologist; however, COVID recovery was currently the highest priority. Appendix 2 set out the conservation and ecology projects: blue was new ground restorations, green was new projects, and beige was specific groundwork operations.
RESOLVED – That Members:
· agree the draft Hampstead Heath Divisional Plan 2021-2024 (appendix 1);
· agree the draft Hampstead Heath Conservation and Ecology Annual Work Programme 2021-2022 (appendix 2).
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