Agenda item

Gresham Almshouses Update

The Director of Community and Children’s Services to be heard.


The Committee received an oral update from the Director of Community and Children’s Services giving Trustees an information update on the Gresham Almshouses, in Lambeth and the City of London Almshouses on the same estate.


The Director of Community and Children’s Services advised that only one resident had not received a COVID-19 vaccination across the Gresham and City of London Almshouses Estate. However, staff were aware of other issues, such as loneliness or mental health issues, and were closely monitoring and reporting concerns to the medical team. Officers had an intimate knowledge of the residents and were able to pick up on changes to mood or behaviour quickly. Staff were using a unit that was currently empty as a COVID-secure respite area, as the communal area was closed.


The Director of Community and Children’s Services further advised that external renovations to the Almshouses had continued as much as possible during lockdown, with work completed on at least one unit. The Committee also noted that Christmas Hampers had been delivered to all residents in December, and these had been well-received.


In response to a question from a Member, the Director of Community and Children’s Services gave the Committee some further detail on the mechanisms and tools available to staff to support the residents’ physical and mental wellbeing.


The Chairman thanked the Director of Community and Children’s Services for the update and commented that the high take-up of vaccinations was very encouraging, before asking that the best wishes of the Committee be relayed to all residents.


RESOLVED – That the update be noted.