Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

The Sub Committee is asked to note the Outstanding Actions List.


The Sub Committee received the Outstanding Actions list and noted updates in respect of the following:


New Portsoken Community Centre.   The Community and Children’s Services Committee would be receiving a report on Governance on 30th April 2021 and, as this would now fall within the remit of the Grand Committee, it could be removed from the Sub Committee’s actions list.


Fire Safety.   The Sub Committee had received a report in November 2020.  A further Fire Safety Update report would be on the Agenda for the next meeting and include progress on major works, including the sprinkler project.  


Climate Action Strategy.   The Grand Committee had received a report at its last meeting (5.3.21) in respect of the housing aspects of the Climate Action Strategy.  Members (of the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee) agreed that the Sub Committee should receive a regular update report, bringing together the various strands of work which were contributing to de-carbonising the City Corporation’s housing stock.  The Assistant Director advised that work was underway with colleagues in City Surveyors, and a Consultant had been appointed to collate energy information in respect of the City’s housing stock.  This work would result in an action plan, fulfilling many of the Strategy’s objectives, and Members would receive a progress report at their next meeting in May. 


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