Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent


The Chairman advised that he would not be seeking re-election in April 2021, having served 3 years, and wanted to express how privileged he felt at having served a Committee which worked so hard for the City of London’s Residents.  The Chairman thanked Members and Officers for their hard work, with particular tributes to the following:

  • Mary Durcan, for being an excellent Deputy Chairman and having invaluable proof-reading skills. 
  • Randall Anderson, the Chairman of the Grand Committee for having such extensive knowledge.
  • Paul Murtagh (Assistant Director, Barbican and Property Services) and the team for their support to both Residents and Members, particularly over the past year, and for coping with such complex tasks.
  • Town Clerks for their support to all of the City of London Corporation’s Committees.  

In response, the Deputy Chairman and Members thanked John Fletcher for his excellent Chairmanship.