Agenda item

Income Recovery Policy

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Sub  Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of a new Income Recovery Policy.  Members noted that this Policy governed the City Corporation’s approach to recovering income from current tenants and leaseholders; i.e. - rent and service charges and dealing with arrears, and would only affect commercial users if they were to have a parking space, for example.  Members commended an excellent, joined up approach. 


In response to questions about the speed of recovery action, the officer advised that contact was made very soon after tenants fell into arrears and would increase if they accrued.    The officer further advised that Income Recovery Officers worked to a specific patch of properties.  Tenants with arrears were encouraged to seek support with their finances generally, and were referred to   City Advice if necessary. Members noted that the responsibility for collecting and monitoring service charges fell within the remit of both the Department of Community and Children’s Services and Chamberlains, who produced regular reports on the status of accounts.  


RESOLVED, that – Income Recovery Policy for use by the Housing Service be approved.


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