Agenda item

Housing Major Works Programme - Progress Report

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which advised Members on issues affecting progress on individual schemes.


The Assistant Director advised that the bar chart reflected slippage from when the programme was first developed and, in response to a Member’s request, agreed to consider how it could be more transparent in terms of the slippage over the last few years, and any additional costs incurred as a result. Members noted that the Major Works Programme would not lose budgets as a result of underspends year-on-year.  However, one of the outcomes of project slippage was that the loan required to complete the Major Works Programme would not be drawn down until the next financial year.   In response to a question about pressures on the capital programme, due to delays and inflation, the Assistant Director advised that inflation rates had been low over the past few years and some of the cost increases from inflation would have been offset by competition in the market.   Members noted that, once the position was clearer, officers would be able to provide a year-on-year analysis of the impact of slippage on costs.  


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.


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