Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

Report of the Town Clerk.


Members noted an updated version of the outstanding actions list, which had been circulated after the main agenda despatch.  During the discussion, the following points were noted:


1.         Given that the Membership of the Sub Committee was likely to change after the Common Councillor all-out Elections in March 2022, the estate visits had been postponed for the time being.


2.         There had been no further correspondence from the Supreme Court in respect of Great Arthur House.


3.         The Climate Action Strategy funding bid had been submitted, as part of Phase 1 of the Government’s Social Housing Fund, and officers were expecting a response by the end of the calendar year.  The grant would be used to partly fund the windows programmes in Southwark and William Blake House, thereby reducing the burden on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and leaseholders.


4.         In respect of the Major Works Programme, the  Community and Children’s Committees would receive an initial report in December, covering HRA revenue costs and budget estimates.  The Assistant Director advised that future reports to Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee would set out the current programme and phase 2, to give Members insight as to which programmes are funded (and which are not) and where some might dovetail.


5.         A feasibility study in respect of the electric vehicle charging points at Middlesex Street and Golden Lane was underway, with a report expected in December.  The Assistant Director advised that this meet the funding deadline, of the end of March, and Members would receive an update outside of the Committee cycle.


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