Agenda item

Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent


The Chairman requested that a report on the communications policy relating to the City of London Corporation managed open spaces be prepared for the Committee’s consideration. The Deputy Chairman commented that the Committee had a specific challenge in presenting a number of complex planning documents in a manner which is public facing noting that the requisite skills were present in the City of London Corporation but were not always best utilised to this end. The Director of Open Spaces informed the Committee that the report was being worked on and would be prepared for the next meeting of the Committee.


In response to a query from a member of the Committee the Chairman informed the Committee that its future meetings were planned to be held in a hybrid format with Members and Officers able to attend in person or dial in to the meeting and public discussions being streamed to YouTube. However, it was added that the ability of the Committee to meet, at least partly, in person was dependant on the position regarding social distancing rules.