Agenda item

Management Report by the Centre's Directors

Report of the Managing Director.


Members received a report of the Managing Director providing updates from the Barbican Directors on their respective areas. The following comments were made:


·         The Managing Director stated that things were more hopeful as staff prepared plans for a successful reopening of the Centre when restrictions were lifted.


·         A Member was excited by the current opportunity to develop new initiatives and the move towards a new model of operation and business model. Officers agreed that the pandemic had highlighted how the Centre needed to adapt and overcome new challenges including the renewal project, the new emphasis of technology, and the aim to develop spaces, workforces, workstreams and the programme.


·         The Chair saw enhancing the remit of the Nominations Committee as a good step towards working on public views and developing the resilience of the Board and Centre.  


·         In response to a query concerning how the Barbican fitted in with the Corporation’s new business district model,  the Managing Director confirmed that the City Corporation had committed to taking Culture Mile forward as a business district and bringing culture and commerce together to help the recovery of the City and the Barbican would be at the heart of these plans.


·         With regards to arts and commerce, a Member noted the pent-up demand for culture and encouraged engagement with audiences to tap into this desire.


·         Another Member emphasised the real appetite for online content and saw this as an opportunity to rethink the way the Centre works with creatives with new models. It was noted that there was ongoing engagement with a new generation of creatives through Creative Learning and there were opportunities to develop this further.  


·         Members were advised that Will Gompertz had been appointed as the new Director of Arts & Learning starting on 1 June 2021 and would attend the next Board meeting.


·         In response to a query, it was confirmed the Matrix exhibition for women would be going ahead.


RESOLVED – That member endorse Management’s approach to the future activities of the Centre.

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