Agenda item

Commissioner's Public Update

The Commissioner and Chief Officers to be heard.


Members received a verbal update of the Commissioner and Chief Officers.


As a result of the events surrounding the tragic death of Sarah Everard, the City of London Police had commissioned a “health check” review of high risk and vulnerability investigations relating to violence against women and girls.  The findings of the review had identified that investigation standards in this area were compliant with the Victims’ Code and National Crime Reporting Standard.  This high standard of investigation was supported by fortnightly performance reviews across all relevant crime types by the Public Protection Unit.


A review of the Metropolitan Police’s handling of the recent protests at Clapham Common would be undertaken by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and the Fire and Rescue Service.  The City of London Police had not been part of this operation but continued to participate in joint operations across London, including the weekend resourcing plan which deal with planned and spontaneous protests within London.  It was anticipated that the number of protests would increase during the course of 2021, and the City of London Police met with the Metropolitan Police on a weekly basis to ensure robust plans were in place for joint operations.  In response to a question from a Member, the Commissioner confirmed that under mutual aid agreements, police officers came under the command structure of the force area to which they were deployed.  Accountability for strategic and command decisions rested with the Gold Commander when officers were deployed; however, individual officers remained accountable for how they chose to exercise police powers.  A briefing on how public order operations were conducted was offered to Members following the meeting (8/2021/P).


RESOLVED, that the update be noted.