Agenda item

Joint Philanthropy Strategy Implementation - Update and Future Plans

Report of the CGO


The Committee considered a report of the CGO providing an update on the implementation of the Joint Philanthropy Strategy adopted in June 2018 for the City of London Corporation (CoLC) itself, and as Trustee of Bridge House Estates in furthering the charity’s ancillary object. The Philanthropy Director introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the key points, including the proposed 2021-2023 Implementation Plan for the strategy. In response to a question from a Member, the Philanthropy Director advised how the work undertaken on the strategy so far had been beneficial for interacting with the rest of the organisation.


RESOLVED – That the City Bridge Trust Committee, for the City of London Corporation as Trustee of BHE in the best interests of the Charity:


  1. Note the update on the implementation of the Joint Philanthropy Strategy to-date; and


  1. Agree the proposed 2021 – 2023 Implementation Plan set out in the report for approval by the Policy and Resources Committee.

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