Agenda item

The Prince's Trust Strategic Grant

Report of the CGO


The Committee considered a report of the CGO informing of the progress to date at the six-year mark of the 10-year strategic grant to the Prince’s Trust (PT), also providing information on the outcomes that have resulted for your consideration and outlining the planned activities for the next three-year period and the proposed allocation of resources in support of this activity. The CGO introduced the report and drew the Committee’s attention to the key points.


In response to a question for a Member, the CGO gave the Committee further detail on the offer of support to the Trust’s activity and points raised regarding the Trust’s projects. The CGO further advised that it was hoped the proposed review could be undertaken over the next four months, and that the next allocation of funding would be contingent on the review.


RESOLVED – That the City Bridge Trust Committee:


a)    Note the report;


b)    Agree that satisfactory results have been achieved by the PT in the second three-year period (years four to six) of this strategic initiative;


c)    Agree the outline of planned activities for the next three-year period, with the agreement of the detail to be delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Chief Grants Officer; and


d)    Approve, in principle, the next allocation of £3m funding from the £10m approved by the Court of Common Council, as outlined, with the release of the grant on a quarterly basis contingent on the following:


i.      Receipt of additional information to include: quarterly management accounts; quarterly breakdown of CBT grant spend including outputs for each programme; and satisfactory engagement in a review led by CBT consultant Dinah Cox, to set the outcomes to be achieved for the next funding period of the strategic partnership.

Supporting documents: