Agenda item


Joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner.


Members received a joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner regarding references and the following points were made:


14/2019/P - 18 September 2019 Item 6 – Integrity Dashboard and Code of Ethics Update

Future meeting dates of London Police Challenge Forum to be provided to the Committee.


• Members agreed to remove this from the References. There was uncertainty about their future status, and it was unlikely that Challenge Forums would be held in the foreseeable future. Officers would update the Chair if this changed.


1/2020/P - 2 March 2020 Item 5 - Integrity Dashboard and Code of Ethics Update

Case studies arising from London Police Challenge Forum Meetings to be circulated to Committee


  CoLP have recently held an internal only challenge panel – the results of which will be published on intranet soon – this will be circulated/highlighted to Members when available.


2/2020/P - 2 March 2020 Item 5 Integrity - Dashboard and Code of Ethics Update

Committee to be advised when next Victim Satisfaction Survey will be conducted (Feb 2021 update) Whilst a Report had been submitted recently to the Police’s Performance Management Group, the number of responses this quarter – 14, had been significantly lower than the longer term quarterly average; therefore, it would be difficult to glean as great an insight as usual. The Chair asked officers to submit a (hopefully) fuller quarterly Report for the next meeting of the Committee in May.


• Officers informed Members that the most recent quarter’s data had not yet been published – full data would be made available for next the meeting of the Committee in September


10/2020/P - 14 September 2020 Questions – External Scrutiny - IASG reports to be submitted to PSI Committee

IASG reports to be submitted to PSI Committee and an ISAG meeting with Committee Members to be established in 2021


• The Police Authority Team would be following up on this and would liaise with the Chair post-meeting. Members asked that any meeting would ideally take place before the summer recess.


13/2020/P - 26 November 2020 Item 8 – Use of Algorithms and AI across the City of

London Police

A Member proposed that a separate session on Data Ethics, which outlined some of the concerns and potential risks that would likely emerge as the technology matured would be useful. Officers would set up a session in 2021. At least two members of the Committee had specialist knowledge in this area which it would be good to utilise.


• First AI/Data Ethics session took place in late April. Members asked officers to set up a repeat session for new Members of the Committee (and for any other Members who missed the April session) to take place, ideally, before the summer recess. Officers would circulate the presentation papers in the interim.


15/2020/P - 26 November 2020 Item 11 – IOPC Review into Stop and Search at the Metropolitan Police

The Chair welcomed the offer from an officer to provide a training session for Members concerning Stop and Search; it was envisaged that this would take place in the New Year. The Chair would work with officers in the Force and Town Clerks to confirm a time convenient to the Committee.


• Members requested that the Training Session take place before the summer recess period, Officers would liaise and establish suitable dates in June or July.

Supporting documents: