Report of the Director of Communictions.
The Committee considered a report of the Director of Communications which set out proposals to address issues relating to electoral registration, turnout, and candidate diversity.
Members welcomed the paper, with a number of items emerging through debate:
· Several Members spoke to emphasise the need to break down silos and ensure that the importance of this work was understood by all officers across the Corporation, being recognised as a corporate priority. The Town Clerk spoke to echo these sentiments, with it observed that successful delivery and execution of the plans would require significant collaboration and cross-departmental engagement, particularly from the IT and Comptroller’s department. The Town Clerk also reflected on the many officers constantly in contact with businesses who could pass on information cards or similar, to raise awareness of registration processes and the benefits of participation.
· A Member also highlighted the specific need to take a strategic look at data collection and management across the organisation, noting there were many systems and in place which would need to be drawn together.
· It was observed that a significant volume of data and information was to be collated, with Members adding that appropriate management and control of this data would be vital to ensure that incumbent Members were not seen to have any advantage in respect of access; rather, all information must be made equally available to incumbent and prospective candidates for election.
· With reference to statutory obligations, a Member suggested that there was a clear need to do more in the current circumstances and explain to businesses that their number of qualifying employees was not limited to those physically in premises on 1 September but also included those who were part-time or intending to be returning to the place of business. This positive clarification would be helpful to businesses in ensuring they were aware of how many voters they could register.
· A Member took the opportunity to remind the Committee of the statutory obligation to remind businesses of the need for their voter allocation to be reflective of their workforce, which was distinct from the wider desire to also encourage diversity which was articulated in the report.
· Whilst supportive of the Diversity Reception for candidates set out in the report, it was advocated that this should be as inclusive as possible and serve as a reception where Equality, Diversity & Inclusion issues were addressed, rather than being a reception for diverse candidates, so as to ensure no candidate was excluded.
· In response to a query around budget allocations, officers advised that the current allocation was sufficient but that, should a particular workstream prove to be particularly effective, then Members might be asked to consider whether they would be willing to allocate additional resources to maximise impact.
· It was requested that an appropriate risk register be produced to accompany this activity, so as to allow for key issues to be known, mitigation measures considered, and progress made to be tracked.
1. The report be approved.
2. The use of £182,000 Committee Contingency funds, previously allocated for spending on the election campaign (£127,000 in February 2020 and £55,000 in March 2020) be approved to implement the plan set out in the report, specifically:
a) £47,000 to create an election “campaign portal” CRM and website, enabling the City Corporation to encourage and track all engagement with the election in real time and be a central source of key information for all audiences.
b) £40,000 on digital advertising and engagement.
c) £40,000 to recruit additional temporary staff to carry out that engagement online and offline, prior to the registration deadline.
d) £25,000 on direct mail, print advertising and material including an easy to distribute leaflet for use by Members and Officers.
e) £20,000 to part fund a role to lead on senior internal stakeholder engagement and ensure a whole-corporation approach to election engagement.
f) £5,000 to hold a candidate diversity reception.
g) £5,000 towards creative production and graphic design, as required in the course of the campaign.
3. Approval be given to non-financial resources being deployed across the organisation to support the above activities, as a priority, including:
a) IT support for the creation and maintenance of an engagement CRM that is able to draw information in real time from other City Corporation CRMs, and ensure the City Occupiers’ Database is able to update automatically with new information collected online.
b) Support from all departments and partners with a community engagement function (e.g. CPAT, CBL, Chamberlains [rates], Surveyors [tenants], Licensing, Heart of the City, etc.)
c) Subject to GDPR compliance, information and contact details being shared across the organisation to support election engagement goals.
d) Making clear the City Corporation’s preference for postal voting among both residents and workers, in order to maximise participation.
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