Report of the Director of Innovation & Growth.
The Committee considered a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Innovation and Growth, which set out the implementation plan for year 1 of the Climate Action Strategy (CAS) programme.
It was advised that officers would be focusing on three key areas in the coming period: implementation, KPIs (including the use of a new dashboard system), and communications and engagement. The latter would include the offer of training to both Members and officers, as well as reaching out into local communities to explain what the Strategy meant for them and how they could be involved.
In response to questions, it was advised that the new dashboard reporting would be made publicly available and reported on to relevant committees at least quarterly. It was also confirmed that the interim target on page 99 of a 63% reduction in overall emissions for the first year took into account movement from baseline.
A Member queried the reference on page 99 to a target of 1,027 ktCO2e in the value chain by end of 2022, from baseline of 1,014 ktCO2e, observing that this appeared to be an increase. Officers undertook to clarify the position with the Member following the meeting.
1. The year 1 programme plan for CAS, as set out in the report, be approved and signed off by Service Committee Chairs.
2. The year 1 CAS budget (£10.48m) be approved, to implement the actions in the plan – from the overall budget approved (£68m) at RASC & P&R (Sept 2020), the Court of Common Council (8 October 2020), and in the Medium-Term Financial Plan (December 2020). NB. Drawdowns will be managed through the existing governance arrangements for capital and revenue
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