Agenda item

Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Quarterly Business report

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Sub Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services outlining the first HRA business report which provided an overview of the key business performance as linked to the HRA Business Plan, which was approved by Members in March 2012.


Members discussed the Right to Buy scheme and raised concern that the scheme did not work in agreement with the City of London Housing Policy. Although no social housing properties had been sold through the Right to Buy, applications were at their highest level for several years and the Corporation had a legal obligation to inform tenants of the scheme. Members were informed that several London Boroughs had responded to the Secretary of State outlining their concerns.



      i.        a further report to include information on the restraints of the Right to Buy scheme, the implications and challenges this would have on City of London properties and to what degree, the restrictions on the properties that the Corporation could sell and the policy on how any money received from selling properties would be allocated and spent would be submitted to the Community and Children’s Services Committee.



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