Report of the City Surveyor.
The Committee received a Gateway 4C report of the City Surveyor concerning Tower Bridge HV System Replacement and Increasing Resilience.
RESOLVED – That the Committee:
1. Agree that a 99-year lease of the existing Diesel Generator room is granted to UKPN for installation of their substation, in order to significantly reduce the risk of power failure to the bridge and to the income generating exhibition
2. Approve a project cost increase of £346,000 for a change to the project scope following an opportunity to implement a known HV control system whilst improving the network resilience and future proofing the existing bridge lift system (with this additional budget will be requested as part of the Gateway 5 budget)
3. Note the revised total estimated cost of the project at £6,076,293 (excluding risk) if the change in scope is approved
4. Note the revised total estimated cost of the project at £8,238,003 (including risk) if the change in scope is approved
5. Approve Option 1 - the partial integration of the existing bridge lifting and new HV SCADA systems and approval to grant a 99-year lease for a sub-station to UKPN.
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