Agenda item

City of London Police Authority Board's Committees and Appointments

Report of the Town Clerk.


To be read in conjunction with confidential appendix at item 13.


Members considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding the City of London Police Authority Board’s Committees and appointments.




·         Members agree that it would be appropriate to maintain the current tempo of meetings as outlined in Appendix 1, subject to newly introduced recesses throughout the year and noting that a January meeting may only be called in exceptional circumstances.


·         Members approve the Chair, Deputy Chair, Member, External Member and Committee Member role descriptions at Appendix 3.


·         Approve the proposals for the Future of Special Interest Area Scheme at Appendix 6, noting that the Road Safety SIA would not lie with the Deputy Chair, but with the Member appointed to the Streets & Walkways Sub (Planning & Transportation) Committee.


·         Appoint Deputy Keith Bottomley as Safeguarding and Public Protection Vulnerability and ICV Scheme – Special Interest Area lead for the year ensuing.


With regard to the,


Economic & Cyber Crime Committee (ECCC)


·         Members note the inclusion of the appointment of the Chair of Policy & Resources Committee or their nominee to the ECCC;


·         Members note the responsibility of Policy & Resources Committee to appoint a further one of its Members to the ECCC;


·         Members approve the revised terms of reference and composition as proposed in Appendix 2, subject to the insertion of “or their nominee” after “Chair of Policy & Resources Committee” within the composition;


·         Deputy Keith Bottomley, Alderman Emma Edhem, Alderman Timothy Hailes, Andrew Lentin and Dawn Wright be appointed for 2021/22.


·         Following a ballot, Alderman Bronek Masojada and Graeme Doshi Smith, be co-opted for 2021/22




Graeme Doshi-Smith


Alderman Bronek Masojada


Deputy Robert Merrett


Deputy Philip Woodhouse



·         Deputy James Thomson be appointed Chair for 2021/22; and


·         Tijs Broeke be appointed Deputy Chair for 2021/22.


·         Members note the external independent member within the Committee’s composition and agree for the Town Clerk to commence a recruitment campaign for this position (with the final appointment to be brought back to the Board for approval in due course).



Strategic Planning & Performance Committee (SPPC)


·         Members note the bifurcation of the Performance & Resource Management Committee into two Committees (SPPC and RREC);


·         Members approve the terms of reference as proposed in Appendix 2, subject to the expansion its composition to any six Members of the Board (following a tied ballot between the two of the interested candidates);


·         Caroline Addy, Munsur Ali, Deputy Keith Bottomley, Alderman Timothy Hailes, Andrew Lentin and Deborah Oliver be appointed for 2021/22;


·         Helen Fentimen and Deputy Philip Woodhouse be co-opted for 2021/22;


·         Tijs Broeke be appointed as Chair for 2021/22;


·         Andrew Lentin be appointed as Deputy Chair for 2021/22;


·         Members note the external independent member within the Committee’s composition and agree for the Town Clerk to commence a recruitment campaign for this position (with the final appointment to be brought back to the Board for approval in due course); and


·         Members note that the Neighbourhood Policing SIA is to become part of the role of Chair and Deputy Chair of the SPPC as per Appendix 6.


Resource, Risk & Estates Committee (RREC)


·         Members note the bifurcation of the Performance & Resource Management Committee into two Committees (SPPC and RREC);


·         Members approve the terms of reference as proposed in Appendix 2;


·         Deputy Keith Bottomley, Alderman Timothy Hailes, Andrew Lentin, Graham Packham and Dawn Wright, be appointed for 2021/22;


·         Helen Fentimen and Deputy Philip Woodhouse be co-opted for 2021/22;


·         Members note the responsibility for the Audit & Risk Management Committee to Co-Opt one to the RREC;


·         Members note that the Chairman of Finance, or their nominee, will have a place on the RREC;


·         Alderman Timothy Hailes be appointed as Chair for 2021/22;


·         Deputy James Thomson be appointed as Deputy Chair for 2021/22;


·         Members note the external independent member within the Committee’s composition and agree for the Town Clerk to commence a recruitment campaign for this position (with the final appointment to be brought back to the Board for approval in due course); and


·         Members note that the Transform SIA is to become part of the role of the Chair or Deputy Chair of the RREC as per Appendix 6.



Professional Standards & Integrity Committee (PSIC)


·         Subject to the reduction of membership to any five Board Members and two co-opted Members to be elected from the Court of Common Council, Members approve its terms of reference, including


(i)            that it remains appropriate for the power to make determinations on Review Panel matters continues to lie with the Chair of the Committee in consultation with at least two Committee colleagues, and the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Board

(ii)           the increase to two external independent members as proposed in Appendix 2.


·         Caroline Addy, Doug Barrow, Nicholas Bensted-Smith, Alderman Emma Edhem and Deborah Oliver be appointed for 2021/22;


·         Mary Durcan and Helen Fentimen be co-opted for 2021/22.



·         Members approve the appointment of two external Members as proposed in confidential Appendix 4, subject to any remaining vetting;


·         Caroline Addy be appointed as Chair for 2021/22;


·         Deborah Oliver be appointed as Deputy Chair for 2021/22; and


·         Members note that the Human Resources, Equality and Inclusion SIA is to become part of the role of the Chair or Deputy Chair of the PS&I Committee as per Appendix 6.



City of London Police Pensions Board


·         Alexander Barr be appointed as Chairman for 2021/22;


·         Cllr John Todd be appointed as Deputy Chairman for 2021/22; and


·         Members endorse the terms of reference at Appendix 2.



Accommodation Working Party


·         Members dissolve the Accommodation Working Party.



Streets & Walkways Sub (Planning & Transportation) Committee


·         Members defer this appointment to its meeting on 20 April 2021.



Digital Services Sub (Finance) Committee


·         Dawn Wright be appointed for 2021/22.



Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Sub (Community & Children’s Services) Committee


·         Tijs Broeke and Munsur Ali be appointed for 2021/22.



Safer City Partnership


·         Tijs Broeke be appointed for 2021/22; and


·         Members note that Tijs Broeke will act as Deputy Chair of the SCP for 2021/22.


Association of Police and Crime Commissioners


·         Deputy James Thomson to take on this responsibility from Simon Duckworth OBE DL following the next APCC AGM.



Capital Buildings Committee


·         Members note the appointment of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Police Authority Board to the CBC.



Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee


·         Members note the appointment of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Police Authority Board to the CDSC.



External Member Appointment to the Board


·         Andrew Lentin be recommended to the Court of Common Council to serve a further four-year term ending September 2025.



Membership Scheme


·         Members note the need to bring the Membership Scheme in-line with changes made to the Board’s Governance at Court on 15 April 2021.


Supporting documents: