The Committee are invited to appoint one Member as an Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee representative on the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee. The next Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee meeting is scheduled to take place On 29th of April 2021.
The Committee considered the appointment of one Member of the Committee as the Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee representative on the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee. The Town Clerk informed that Barbara Newman and Alderman Ian Luder had expressed an interest in standing for this position. It was agreed that Barbara Newman be appointed to the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee as the Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee representative, but it was suggested that a second representative would be a helpful addition. The Town Clerk informed that this would need to be agreed by the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee and, following this, the Planning and Transportation Committee as the responsible grand committee.
RESOLVED- That Barbara Newman be appointed as the Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee representative on the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee.