Agenda item

Bunhill Fields Heritage Lottery Fund project

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces on the Bunhill Fields Heritage Lottery Fund project. The Director of Open Spaces introduced the report and noted the reasons why the project had lost funding.


Following a query from a Member of the Committee the Director of Open Spaces confirmed that all required safety works at Bunhill Fields were managed by the City of London Corporation’s City Surveyor’s Department and were being completed as required. In addition to this it was confirmed a contract to repair headstones and paving at the site had been agreed.


A Member commented that it was unfortunate that the project was not currently funded as the site was of significant historic importance and hoped that alternative funding opportunities for funding will be explored.



  1. The content of this outcome report be approved; and
  2. The project be closed.


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